Salkku Coincident and Leading Indicators: Eurozone stock market
Salkku Coincident Indicator
Salkku Leading Indicator
AI model based on Salkku Leading Indicator components
Returns are positive for the next 12 months with 68.3% probability. Model fitness (R^2) is 0.66 with standard deviation of 0.17.
Leading indicator subcomponent analysis
Liquidity subcomponent
Latest "Liquidity six months change" value -0.1 % in 2025-02 belongs to neutral category. This category has historically been associated with following performance after 12 months:
Date | Category | Min return | Mean return | Max return |
2025-02-28 00:00:00 | neutral | -42.8% | 5.4% | 49.4% |
Historical performance
Inflation subcomponent
Latest "CPI six month change" value -0.1 % in 2025-01 belongs to neutral category. This category has historically been associated with following performance after 12 months:
Date | Category | Min return | Mean return | Max return |
2025-01-31 00:00:00 | neutral | -32.2% | 7.3% | 34.2% |